Auto Insurance Essentials: Louisiana

Louisiana’s scenic roads from Metairie to Monroe, and the vibrant streets of New Orleans to Natchitoches, are waiting for you. But before you set out, it’s imperative to understand Louisiana’s car insurance laws. As a Louisiana driver, among the 3.4 million licensed in the state, you need the right insurance to drive legally and stay […]
General Contractors & Workers Comp

General Contractors and Workers Compensation Liability Sound risk management practices necessitate that general contractors contractually mandate workers’ compensation coverage anytime a subcontractor is hired. Subcontractors cannot hide behind statute in contract situations; workers’ compensation coverage can be contractually required regardless of statutory provisions. Forty-four states* and the District of Columbia statutorily regulate workers’ compensation benefits […]
History of Workers Compensation

Eighteenth-century pirates and a nineteenth-century German “Iron” Chancellor preceded the United States in the creation of a social system for the protection of injured workers. The modern workers’ compensation system owes parts of its existence to this unique parentage. Arrrrg, I’m Hurt! Pirates, contrary to popular myth, proved to be highly organized and entrepreneurial. Prior […]